Sunday, 22 March 2015

=I= "The Untold" The Penitent" and "The Bounty Hunter"

So its been a few weeks but im still here. Work was flat out for a little and I also cut the corner of my finger tip off at work (work in a kitchen). It slowed things down as you can imagine! Posting a few pics to help make up for this!!
Here we have 3 of the planed 5 man guard squad. The snipers "Old Man" and "Blind Odi"

The old man got a tiny (but very scary as is my first real attempt) freehand =I= symbol and I am happy with how it came up.

Next is another Psyker. Wearing a death mask and one of the more ornate members of the band. I keep adding psykers to this troupe. I guess hunting deamons and heritics requires some dipping into the warp.

Lastly we have the penitent and the bounty hunter. 

Here is Douglas the penitent a little closer.

I have been feeling really great about my painting last few days and hopfully there is more progress to follow! Work on my Inquisitor is getting there. He is built and half painted.. so lots more to come!!

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